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The Genetic Structuralism and the Term Issues in Modern Arabic Critical Approaches


Nour-Eddine Seddar, Faculty of literature, languages​​, social sciences and humanities, University of Mascara, Algeria.



The aim of this study is to prove the epistemological value of the term: ’genetic structuralism’ taking as a starting-point the concept of ‘genetic’ in the view of western modern critical discourse. This term is considered as a strange concept in the modern Arabic criticism leading to a controversy in providing an accurate definition among Arab researchers. As a result, their approaches and studies were quite different.

From this perspective, my study is divided into two main parts. The first one is devoted to literary genetic concept as formulated in the western critical discourse especially according to one of the famous scholar in the field ‘Lucien Goldman’. The second one deals with the concept as used in Arabic critical approaches in which different terms were given.

As a conclusion, the contemporary Arabic criticism does not possess a precise definition of the concept giving rise to two different trends in the use of the genetic structuralism concept in the Arabic critical studies.

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