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Manifestations of Poetics in ' Jada'il Al Sabr" By Eman Al Kraimeen

Ibrahim M. Alyaseen, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tafila Technical University, Tafila, Jordan.



This research aims at exploring the poetics of ' Jada'il Al Sabr" By Eman Al Kraimeen as it represents a stylistic tool with elements that contribute to forming the linguistic and semiotic structure of the text and helps to convey feelings and emotions of the author, thus elucidating her ideas and thoughts indirectly.The study consists of an introduction and two parts:

-        The theoretical background: it tackles the definition of " poetics" as formulated by some Arab and Western critics, showing its significance in the formalistic as well as content structure of the literary text, and its influence on the recipient.

-        The procedural part: it explores manifestations of the poetic language in the novel, highlighting its influence on the internal texture and its semiotic dimensions.  

The study has concluded that the novel's language is almost poetic, which appears in the extensive use of rhetoric tools such as displacement, active imagery, irony, and simile, aiming at enriching meaning and word connotation, thus contributing to the strength of language and its denotative capacity.

Key words: Poetics, Displacement, Active Imagery, Irony, Description.

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