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The Significance of the Paradigm (TAFA“ALA) in the Holy Quran

Ibrahem Abu Ghalia, Arabic Language Department, University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Palestine.



This study aims at analyzing the significance of the paradigm (tafa“la) in the Holy Quran on a grammatical conjugational basis. This is achieved through criticizing significances that have been erroneously associated with this paradigm. The study is applied on ten verbs from the Holy Quran conjugated according to this paradigm. The researcher has examined classically controversial examples that specialists are known to have had conflicting views about. Several of these specialists are even known to have advocated that these examples have identical meanings, and others still have ventured to associate unrealistic meanings to them. The researcher has contextually examined these controversial significances in relation to their evident settings. The researcher then gave preponderance to the meanings with closer significances. The study has concluded that one of the most evident meanings of this paradigm is affectation. Moreover, he has concluded that utmost precision in meaning and aesthetic values could be attributed to the use of this paradigm.

Verbs examined are as follows: (tabattala) meaning to live in chastity, (tazayyala) meaning…, (tarabbasa) meaning to ambuscade, (tabarra’a) meaning to repudiate, (takhalla) meaning to relinquish, (takabbara) meaning to become supercilious, (taraqqaba) meaning to anticipate, (tanaffasa) meaning to dawn, (tashaqqaqa) meaning to chap, (tafassaha) meaning to become ample.

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