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Living Conditions for Families Displaced Valuable under Syrian Crisis: Exploratory Study in Temporary Accommodation Centers (Shelters) in the City of Damascus

Talal Abd al Mute Mustafa, Department of Sociology, University of Damascus, Damascus, Syria.



The study aims to identify the reflection of the crisis in Syria is expected to living life to the family displaced within the Syrian interior through all of reality (housing, food, health, education).

The study was descriptive analytical method, and the method of social survey sample through a sample of displaced families in the city of Damascus, amounted to (97) displaced families, and designed a questionnaire to collect the required data.

The study found a range of results, including:

1- The high number of couples of the unemployed.

2- low volume of household consumption of durable goods (TV - washing machine - home phone - a private car) and also food commodities (meat - fruits - desserts), and the decline in the number of meals from three meals a day to two meals.

3- The most prevalent diseases in the study sample households are mental illnesses and diseases pressure, heart and crape, and most of these families treated in government hospitals or affiliated charities, health centers, and increased need for displaced families and medical relief.

No longer able to pay the costs of medical care for family members.

Key words: the crisis in Syria, the family displaced, Living conditions

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