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Focus on Some Aspects of Siboeh's Biography and his Kitab  

Hanna Haddad, Department of Arabic Language and literature, Yarmouk University, Irbid


This study aims at shedding light on some obscure aspects of Siboeh’s life and his Kitab, after it has become clear that these aspects are in need of reconsideration and deep meditation. Various related issues, e.g. who a mong his elders tutored him, what tools he used in his poetic illustrations in his Kitab, in what ways he used to convey these illustrations, and what position he took regarding its authors, need to be reconsidered. The study tries also to prove that the copy of his Kitab we currently use is neither the original copy nor the nextin- line to the original, and that copyists and bookkeepers have slightly modified it over the years. It then becomes urgent to look for another manuscript (other manuscripts) of the Kitab, on which the present edition of the Kitab is based, so that we will not ascribe to him what is not his and give the grammarian his right.

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