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Types of Departure From Grammatical Rules Based on the Article( Laysa)



Abdel-Mohdi Hashim Al-Jarrah, Humanties Department, JUST, Irbid, Jordan.




This study Aims At Investigating forms of departure from grammatical rules based on the article (laysa) such as the articles: ma,la,lata,enna , So as to show the value of the departure to see to what extent it influences the entity of the grammatical rule which is formulated by the most of grammarians. The study's methodology was base on discussing each of the items covered in the study separately because each of the items is governed by rules which may not be used for the other items on the other hand because departure forms can be abbreviated to cover on element namely the agent on the other hand. Therefore, we mentioned the agreed upon rule, then we introduced examples on departing from it and introduced comments whenever this was necessary.

This study revealed that many of the examples which were adopted by grammarians and which we described as examples of departure, were of great influence, and they drew our attention to the need for reengineering what was by the most of grammarians.


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