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Ebrahim Bin Ismael El Ekhbary and Narrators of His Book: "البغية والاغتباط فيمن وُليِّ مصر والفسطاط"

Yasser Nour, Department of Social Studies, College of Education, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.


It is well known that many of the manuscripts that  chronicled for Islamic Egypt throughout different ages and with various topics have been  scrutinized and edited. However, there is a still a hidden barrier  between us and many of these sources and their authors. This is due to the fact that many of these manuscripts  have been lost to the extent that we could recognize these sources only from some signs or quotations that were written in some historians’ books about these writers. Moreover, these lost manuscripts might have been referred to by some of those writers of Indexes and Dictionaries by writing titles of these books and their authors in every field of knowledge and science.

 This description is applicable, in fact, to the historian of this study: Abu Ishaq Ebrahim Bin Ismael Bin Said El Hashemy El Ekhbary. He is the author of the lost manuscript: "البغية والاغتباط فيمن وُليِّ مصر والفسطاط": “The Wish and the Joy of those who Ruled the Egyptian Fustat.” Because of the rarity of the historical material that deals with this historian and his previously mentioned manuscript; this study aims to discuss the following:

First: Introducing this historian: Ebrahim Bin Ismael Bin Said.

Second: Investigating the name of his book: "البغية والاغتباط فيمن وُليِّ مصر والفسطاط": “The Wish and the Joy of those who Ruled the Egyptian Fustat.”

Third: Discussing this Historian’s method in dealing with the topics of his manuscript in the light of his quoted narration in other sources.

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