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The Legend of "The Beginning of the Universe” In “La Ta΄tather Amma Fa΄alt" and "Kazahr Al-Lawz Aw Aba΄ad"


Tahani Shaker, Arabic Dept ., Al-Hashemet University, Amman, Jordan.




The Study aims at following the legend of “Beginning of the Universe” in Mahmoud Darwish Divans: La “Ta’atather Amma Fa’alt and Kazahr Al-Lawz Aw Aba’ad.

It is obvious that this legend has affected the poet’s vision towards his home country, also, it affected his view towards woman and his opinion about her.

This research is an analytic and applicable study for models of Mahmoud Darwish poetry in which the Intertextnality with the legend of “The Beginning of Universe”, is obvious.

The Method of this research is built on recalling the intertextuality from its position in the two Divans and showing its role in forming the version’s indication. That is so because the legend had mixed with the body of the poem and became apart of it, and it contributed in directing the way we read and explain it.

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