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The Theory of Clues in Linguistic Analysis

 Khalid Basandi, Arabic Dept .,King Saud University,Al-Riyad, Saudi Arabia


This study aims at finding out the different uses and synonyms of the term clues in linguistic heritage. It also investigates the different dimensions of the theory of clues and its effect on linguistic analysis. The study also attempts to link the term Clues with Abdulghader Al-Jorjani’s theory of semantic formation and its relationship to linguistic analysis. The major components of the study include:


1)       The term clues in the syntactic theory.


2)       Tamam Hassan’s concept clues.


3)       The concept of clues in light of the theory of semantic formation.


4)       The relationship between clues and syntax.


Tammam Hassan establisles anew direction in the theory of traditional Arabic grammar, when he introduces the concept of making using multi semantic Clues without ignoring the effect of the syntactic factor in language analysis, which is used as a guideline by Arabic linguists scholars who also take care of the lexical semantics.


Finally, Arabic linguistic studies are characterized by taking care of both form and meaning, in addition to structural semantics.

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