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The Cognitive Rehabilitation in the Monfarejah Between the Practical View and Philosophic Sophism


Hussien Khreawish, Dept. of Arabic, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.




This research studies, through examination and analysis, the dimensions of the "Monfarejah" for Abi AI Fad) Yousef Bin Al Nahwi , commencing from the stylistic contextual structures and how to employ them, as the sophist episode is taken as subject matter of the study, instead of being a resort for the existentialism experiment. Accordingly, the manner in which the cognitive structure is interacted and its efficiency to demonstrate and enrich must be realized. This reveals that this interaction has two dimensions of effectiveness, they are: The psychological dimension and the indicative dimension, or the psychological function and the nominal function. This requires us to distinguish between two patterns of images: The first is the intellectual pattern and the other one is the emotional or perceptual pattern.

The research does not pursue the problem of interpretation in itself or the problem of sophist cognition, but it pursues- carefully - to reveal the extent of the literary context to unveil the cognitive structure of sophism; it also examines how far this structure can affect the literality and poetic coining; we tried to go , through the poet, into the depth of the sophist thought, to explore its dimensions and understand its conditions and positions, that make it a distinctive cognitive structure. Therefore, the research method requires us to ask: Why was the Monfareja? Is it behind the severity of the Sheikh? Is it an argument of the mind in its critical state? I say so, because the successive experiments of the mind-for some philosophers as Al Ghazali- perceive that 'At the back of the mind cognition, there is another dominator, if he is an unequivocal the mind fails in its judgment'.

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