التقييم المكانيّ - الزمانيّ للتغيّر المتسارع في خطّ الساحل وفي استخدامات الأرض نتيجة النشاط البشريّ: حالة الساحل الشرقيّ لقطر ما بين 1986-2015
Nadeem Hashem : Assist. Prof. of GIS & Remote Sensing, Dept. of Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University.
Perumal Balakrishnan :Lecturer of GIS & Remote Sensing, Biology and Environmental Sciences Dept., Qatar University.
The study area along the eastern coast of Qatar has experienced a rapid change to its natural and built environments in response to the accelerated economic, urban development, and population growth over the past few decades. This study investigates the anthropogenic-induced spatiotemporal dynamics changes to the shoreline and the land use/land cover in response to this development. Remote sensing and GIS techniques were used to examine the impacts on the coastal environment. Results showed high total accuracy averaging 95.6%. The area witnessed an increase of 104% in built-up areas and 78% in urban greenery during the study period of 1986-2015. Most of these changes took place between 2005 and 2015 as a result of unprecedented economic and population growth (annual average of 15% for GDP and 10% for population). A substantial change to the shoreline was reported through land reclamation of 2671 hectares by 2015 to cater to ever-growing cities and urban centers.
Keywords: Qatar, Land use, Land cover change, Shoreline detection, Coastal environment, Anthropogenic change, Remote Sensing, GIS.