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Motives and Mechanisms of Invoking Figures in Hilal al-Siyabi's Poetry


Issa bin Said Al-Hoqani, Assistant Professor of Literary Criticism, University of Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman.



This study aims to reveal the motives for invoking figures in the poetry of Hilal al-Siyabi and the mechanisms of invocation in his Poetry Collection (Asdaa min wadi abqar).When thoroughly examining Hilal al-Siyabi’s poetry, one can find his invoking of figures who belong to various sources, affiliations, and worlds, as well as the different times and places. In order to thoroughly and precisely examine the case, the study solely focuses on the motives of invocation and its direct and indirect mechanisms. The study discusses three mechanisms for direct invocation as follows: invoking through names, invoking through nicknames and invoking through surnames. There are two mechanisms for indirect invocation which are: invoking through discourse, and invoking through action.

The study used the descriptive analytical approach, as well as theories of reception and interpretation. It is divided into an introduction, three sections, and a conclusion as follows:

Section I: Reasons for invoking figures and their motives in al-Siyabi's poetry.

Section II: Direct invoking mechanisms.

Section III: Indirect invoking mechanisms.

Keywords: Hilal, Al-Siyabi, Figures, Motives, Recall mechanisms.


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