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The Attributive Harmony between Al-Kasrah, / i / Vowel

Sound, and the Sound Feminine Plural (SFP) in Arabic


Nasser Ibrahim Noeimi, Arabic Language Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, International Islamic Science University, Amman, Jordan




This paper is an attempt to semantically and indicatively explore the reason behind (Nassb), the Openness of Sound Feminine Plural with Al-Kasrah / i / vowel. The researcher believes that the Openness, Nassb, of Sound Feminine Plural with Al-Kasrah is attributed to a physiological dimension of the female. As known, Asad Tribe used unrestrictedly Nassb, the Sound Feminine Plural with (Al-FatHa), / ᴂ / vowel sound.

However, the researcher indicates that the use of Nassb with Al-Kasrah is associated with the Sound Feminine Plural, as both have closeness and harmony in attribute. The study shows that Al-Kasrah is closely related to the emotional context of the woman.

Some argued that the need for easiness might be the main reason behind using Al-Kasrah with the Sound Feminine Plural instead of Al-FatHa, though.


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