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تغطية موقع شبكة الجزيرة الإخبارية الناطق باللغة العربية لأحداث الثورة الليبية لعام 2011

Mahmoud Shalabieh and Mohammad Mahroum, Department of Radio and Television -  Yarmouk University- Media College -  Irbid -  Jordan



This study aims to identify and  to explore the news coverage of Aljazeera’s Arabic news website for the Libyan Revolution of 2011.

The researchers used the content analysis method as a tool of the  study to  know  how  this coverage  was conducted through the monitoring and analysis of  the news stories which were published by the  website regarding the events of the Libyan revolution, and to identify the patterns  which were used in this coverage and trends which included.

The results showed that the website posted (76) news stories within one week and  using all journalistic patterns and  the number of the news stories which were published  by  the  news website were (11) news story daily, and  the content of this coverage highlights the suffering of the Libyan revolutionists and focuses on the aspirations of  Libyan revolutionists and the successes achieved by them.

The major findings of the study revealed that this coverage focused on monitoring the Arab and international reactions regarding the Libyan revolution and the developments of the situation in this area.

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