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The dialectic of transformation and stability of the Islamic discourse in the novel yahya by samiha khris

Razan Ibrahim, Dept. of Arabic Language and Literature, University of petra - Jordan.


The study at hand is divided into three parts devoted to monitoring and assessing both an enlightened and a rigid religious discourse through references to special visions depicted in the novel.  The first part is focused on the metaphysical enquiry and the impact it has on spiritual development of subjectivities. An enquiry which the study has proved  is most instrumental for the formation of an enlightened discourse structure as opposed to another religious discourse characterized by closure and rigidity. The second part is on the dialogical aspect between the two religious discourses.  Examples of both dialogues are provided and analyzed, thus reflecting a dangerous conflict exposing a compliance with systems and establishments that have for long worked to maintain and guard specific agenda and interests.  The third part deals with the aesthetic structure of the novel, highlighting those elements inherent in an artistic textual achievement. This has called for a discussion of a cluster of artistic features conducive to a special effect on the recipients of the text.

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