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The Image and its Impact on the Emotions in the Literary Writing (Al Umari and Al Safadi's Literary Writing of the Image of Winter as a Sample)


Salameh H. Al Ghareeb, Arabic Lang. dept., Faculty of Arts, Tafila Univ., Tafila, Jordan.


This research aims at showing the literary talent that spread among the writers of prose in the Mumluk period. It shows debates about the image of winter between Ibn Fadhlalah Al Umari and Salah Iddean Al Safadi. These two writers exchanged the literary writing about the image of winter showing winter in Al-Sham and Egypt and the similarities and differences between them, since both of the writers traveled a lot to Al Sham and Egypt due to their job.

The research shed light on feelings and the impact of the image of writing on feelings. It also shows that feelings are linked with the place and human kind as suggested by the writers.

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